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04 de Enero, 2012    General

Funny and cute at the same time :)

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publicado por joanasmith a las 15:08 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Enero, 2012    General

White Dog

There are several moments in White Dog (White Dog, 1982) show that the genius of Samuel Fuller.Two in particular I would highlight here.

The racist dog is loose on the streets. A black boy out to play on the sidewalk. Just when the dog would see it and may cause another tragedy, the child's mother pulls her inside. The dog follows his way peacefully.

Another photo is not available in the google, but it is spectacular. The owner of the dog will find a wayto make the animal loses the will to attack people. She talks to Carruthers, friendly old man who explains, eyes full of tears do not flow, a dog trained to attack is very difficult to be untrained. What was to be sacrificed. She is leaving the establishment, when the camera moves down, revealing a plaque with the inscription: Carruthers and Keys - animal training. It closes in KEYS to focus immediately afterthe partner that bears that name, whose black man entered the scene indicates his heroism.

Sounds simple, but it's the kind of thing that nobody else does today. The camera movement indicatingthe only way out. Soon after, the Keys are beautiful eyes beautiful eyes of the dog, and man decides to accept the mission almost impossible.

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publicado por joanasmith a las 15:06 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Enero, 2012    General

This man says he talks to god lol

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publicado por joanasmith a las 15:05 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Enero, 2012    General


I have read a lot about the need for information today. Even in Facebook communities, mailing lists and Twitter what most are looking for is information, the thirst for fresh news, the mania of wanting to be always updated of what is happening in the world. Now there's the Cannes Film Festival to exacerbate this desire. In May, only spoke of him in movies that were most highly esteemed in that were poorly received, in whom it said, who said what, etc..

Then I end up remembering the words of Lily Ferreira Movie Theater in the program, the SESC TV (should go on air in August): "too much information, little training." He complained that squeaked by the Top Hat, a beautiful film with Hilton Lacerda did not have much information, because it is a film poem. He said, rightly, that those who wanted information that would not look on the internet and fill the bag, because the movie was something else. Perfect. Worldwide, there is more room for training, hence, enlarge, or rather specific: for reflection and thought. Everything has to be verified, checked, as evidenced by an intersection of sources. Everything must be fact. Modern journalism turned recycling press release. And most sensational race through the hole.

Enough, then, the news of the back of the SET. Two friends who read the news came here comment: "Gee, let's see if the magazine now has more information," more or less these words, they both wanted the same thing can already find in many other places. They want to read again the same news, retreaded.

Do not know how it is a proven, but it seems that the trend is worse in Brazil - peripheral culture, yet?The British film magazine long ago acquired the habit of mixing with a short paragraph synopsis of each film, to release the editor of the lines have to spend with it and go straight to allow reflection. The information appears only when necessary to thought, and each scribe has a reasonable space to show their.

Here, at least in large vehicles, we still fear to camouflage the story. It takes a useless lines with synopses, background information, trivia filming. And the reader, increasingly, is subjected to a lobotomy induced to move from one information to another (and reproduce it on Twitter, of course).They are cursed modern times, and we must all learn to deal with it.

Nothing against, if not spend a disheartening lack of thought, ideas. These are also recycled. Any teenager can get things that you have read and translate the site more obscure, posing, so, cool blogger. The teenager who wants nothing more is that camels have to find something different. No more fighting the opposition. It looks interesting, worthy of being advertised. Talk? As soon as possible.

Overdose information reminds me of the multiplexes, with various rooms through the same few movies. What changes is the screen size and the number of seats as well. Are we witnessing the triumph of mediocrity. But this is nothing new. Always complained that decay of thought. Found a great pdf to excel converter if you guys need to use one.

Maybe I'm shifting my focus, without much twisting north. My argument here is against the thirst for information. I do not know if it's worth entering the fray. It seems lost. But it is necessary to cry a little clear to me. And that is always remembered that critical fact has nothing to do with journalism. At least with journalism that is housed today.

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publicado por joanasmith a las 14:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Enero, 2012    General

Great Song

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publicado por joanasmith a las 14:56 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Enero, 2012    General

My TOP 5 artists of all time

Lynyrd Skynyrd
It is the type of rock that I like. It has that footprint of the road. Although it's kind of reactive, too American, is the kind of sound I hear all the time. I met with Audio Paul CDs, a London store 80 years old. At that time there left almost nothing like that in Brazil, or anything regarding blues. The Paul had imported discs and he recorded on cassette tapes. I met with him a lot.
He is my favorite singer. The first album I knew it was Astral Weeks. Chapel time. In addition to singing it a lot and thrill me, this album was a great jazz band behind him. So I went looking for other discs. That's when I discovered that he was of Them and such. Because my musical training until then was just listening to the radio - and it played on radio.
The largest is the rock legend Lemmy from Motorhead. I like the attitude, behavior above reproach.For like the Lemmy also learned to like the sound of Motorhead. I was listening now to his rockabilly band with Slim Jim Phantom, drummer for the Stray Cats (The Head Cat). Lemmy is a role model for me. A bad model, but an optimal model. Can I reach his age well? So it's great.
He did some songs that are considered tacky. Fabio Junior Screw recorded, that is his. But Lamounier version is far superior, is a rock and roll. His letters are a bit slow, but he knows to be wild at the right time, known to be smooth in time. I have all of it, compact and lps that were never released on CD. Nowadays he does not give interviews, does not speak to anyone. I've tried. It's no good, he does not answer.
The great bluesman Freddie King is all. I like all the kings of the blues: Albert King, BB King, but they forgive me because for me the most is Freddie King. He sings a lot and has an amazing guitar. It has a great stage presence. It was one that I met there in Audio discs. And since then, all that meet him ahead, I buy. It is my favorite Texas Cannonball.
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publicado por joanasmith a las 14:52 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

Joana Smith

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